The official first day of Winter is December 21st! (Northern hemisphere).
For some people Winter is about to start and for others, Summer(Southern hemisphere).
Our new sunglasses styles fit both seasons and then some.
You might be planning a tropical vacation or a mountain destination, for both you will need effective eye protection for harmful UV rays.
December 2019, New Sunglass arrivals:
Where to Find the Best Sunglasses this new 2020 season?
Are you ready to see what Fall and Winter has in store for you?
Specifically looking for polarized lenses?
Under those circumstances, Check out our selection of sunshine-approved shades that offer polarization and unmatched UV protection and make you look great in the process.
Contact us:
To get pricing information please visit our website
Because we know You might have questions, you can contact our account specialists at 877-578-8668 and receive more information.
We will be happy to assist you with M.S.R.P.'s , Tips or any other inquiry you might have.